Saturday 28 November 2015

Lil' Guy

It's amazing to think how children grow so fast. This lil' guy is no longer little. He's a 6 foot tall big guy now. But I will always remember him as the fun loving adventurous little boy! Oxoxox!!!

Sunday 4 October 2015

Pumpkin Patch Time- Davidson Orchard- Okanagan

It's finally done! 

Saturday 3 October 2015

Pumpkin Patch Time

For the Chilliwack Art Centre's 5th Anniversary, I painted with many talented local artists. It was a great event that brought together many in the Arts Community- painters, potters, singers, dancers musicians etc.

 We are so fortunate that arts in Chilliwack have such a modern and wonderful building!

My piece was a 16x20 inch acrylic, which is still a work in progress. It's coming along.

Initially, I did the background using a water colour technique and molding  paste for an attempt to give it a three dimensional effect.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Granville Island House Boats and Yoga

I finally finished this acrylic painting of Granville Island's house boats-- as I saw them when I was riding in the little commuter ferry around Granville Island and English Bay. I started it around the time of the great Yoga debate which was when some wanted to close Burratd St. Bridge for a yoga session. Coincidentally this Session would have been at the same time as National Aboriginal Day. It was cancelled. Given Vanvouver's yoga scene is now more about business, rather than meditation, I had to work that in--12x24 acrylic on canvas

Sunday 23 August 2015

Reflections on Faeder Lake

This is a chalk pastel that I recently had framed for a local art show called Ephemeral. This makes me thinking temporary or momentary things. I thought it'd be perfect for the theme. After all, what's  more ephemeral than a reflection of a road trip stop and bonding time with a toddler? Even the medium fits the theme!

 It's approximately 18 x 13 inches. 

Saturday 25 April 2015

Chilliwack River near Thurston Meadows

This spot has both good and bad memories for my family. During our Easter Long weekend we went camping. This site provided hours of fun with our daughter since we introduced her and friends to gold panning. We returned the next day, and she fell into the water, thankfully where the water was stagnant. She was drenched in super cold water and scared. Now she tells everyone about how her superhero dad saved her when she fell into the river. 

This spot is the perfect spot for quiet reflection. Just don't try standing on the slippery mossy logs like our two year old did!

Friday 27 March 2015

Homemade Card

Well, I found some old card kits that I won on a scrapbookong cruise (in 2008) in the Caribbean- yes it's true these ultra geek artsy cruises exist. What fun! 

This is for a friend who is expecting her first baby. I had to make something special.

Monday 5 January 2015

Moroccan Spice Shop

First Painting of 2015--One of my favourite stops in Morocco was the spice store where they sold the best freshest tasting olive oil and wonderful Moroccan Argan oil. The smells and colours were unreal. The shop was set up almost like a turn of the century pharmacy with the shopkeeper behind the counter. But the spices were everywhere. Acrylics on canvas--16x20 approximately