Tuesday 26 July 2016

This is better! Green Figs!

I had to take a new picture since the other picture didn't show the colours accurately. 

Monday 25 July 2016

Victoria's Beauty

My original memory of this wonderful spot is romance. It's a place where my good friend got married. I love painting places I've been, and places where I feel peace. This is that perfect happy place!

Acrylic 10x10 deep canvas exhibition mount.

Green Figs

I had to capture one of my fave local fruits in a painting. My photography is off my old iPhone, so the greens aren't as green as in the original. Acrylic, 9x12 canvas board.

Sunday 3 July 2016

Dreaming of Wisteria

Without a doubt, Anne and Stuart's garden is like a dreamland! I was inspired to paint their Wisteria again.
16x20 acrylic